Friday, December 28, 2018

With trump everything is a carnival (#3619)

     No need to wonder why trump has a never ending series of cult gatherings. He is dependent upon them to bolster his fragile ego. For a person who has lied his whole life about all the important things in life he knows he is less than an honorable person and therefore needs to salve his constantly bruised ego. We who take a stand on honorable principle to protect and defend what is best about our democracy understand that there is no need for ego nor self aggrandizement. We do the things of honor because that is what we expect of ourselves. Not some stolen prize from someone else. That trump cannot live an honorable life is the reason the rest of us are being punished by him.
     He is jealous of those who earn their respect and dignity. The only way trump can gain any respect and dignity is to lie to the gullible and pander to their prejudices and biases. But he knows this and he does a masterful job of keeping his shrinking base coalesced into a loud and vociferous mob. The republican party brought us trump as well as a foreign enemy. Together they conspired to dampen and limit democratic votes while stirring the pot of lies and prejudices just enough to get trump elected. The republican party will not admit their collusion but Mueller will get to the bottom of it. Then the conspiracy will be revealed with enough evidence to bring to trial and convict the culprits.
     So even as trumps and conspiratorial republicans continue to lay down to their manipulator partners in crime the Russians, allowing them new strategic advantages without interference, a reckoning is building. Though the Russians may have a free hand with the outmaneuvered trumps and partner republicans now the test of our democracy is coming and will have the final say. In 6 days our House of Representatives will change hands to democrats and there will be no more lawlessness allowed by the republicans and their figurehead trump. The Russians will surely try to protect their new asset in the White House but they will be no match for our democratic leadership. The carnival that is trumps is soon to be ended with the tents coming down and the actors trying to leave town without being caught.

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