Sunday, December 16, 2018

Universal health care (#3607)

     Our society already has taken steps toward improving our quality of life by instituting public education, policing, fire protections etc... So it would be a natural evolution to include universal health care. The fundamental premise of government is to ensure the safety and health of our society so literally health care falls within that mandate. There should never have been a switch over to capitalism controlling our health. Making money off of the illnesses of our people is just plainly vicious and wrong. For profit health care is not universal nor is it fair. Elective surgeries that are strictly unrelated to our health may be allowed for profiteering but nothing that falls within necessary should ever be for profit. Too many of our American souls, as it is now, are not able to afford even basic care let alone more complex care.
     Remember, it was republicans who turned our health care into a profit industry,, much like they are turning our prisons into profit centers. They even demand that unless the prisons are full they can sue the government. Enough with private enterprise into our governments domain of responsibility. The only way we are going to return the functions of government back to government is to end the election of republicans to any majority. They have shown over and over again that they are not concerned with all Americans and the improvement of our lives. instead they are beholden to special interests of the wealthy and powerful. We have started to diminish the power of republicans in our government but this last election was just a start.
     In 2020 we must hammer what is left of the republican majority in the Senate down to a small minority while changing the presidency back to a democrat. With that in sight we must also continue our changing of the guard in the state houses. Electing more democrats to public office at every level of state government, from animal control to governor. We are primed to do so with candidates that are fierce and focused in their quest to turn our nation into a real democracy that listens to all of it's citizens and then makes choices based upon knowledge and compassion. We have to have all the American people, the real power in our nation, as the driving force for our future, not just some cabal of wealthy carpetbaggers who only think of themselves.

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