Monday, December 17, 2018

If you still suport trump, it tells us more about you than him (#3608)

     There are several filters I use to "judge" someone as to their values in life. One of them is political. That being a republican immediately sends up a red flag and although that in itself usually will disqualify someone from my life it isn't necessarily automatic. But when it comes to anyone, regardless of political party supporting trump the "judgment" is confirmed. There is nothing in the world that would ever convince me that trump is a value to any ones life outside of ulterior motives. He is to me a cancerous tumor in the body politic. Nothing short of eliminating him from our existence as a political force is required.
     So when I see anyone whom I have had or are still having a general relationship with defending the carcinogenic polyp known as trump I immediately shut down and turn away toward a more modernized reality. I cannot abide the wasteful adventure of those who try to twist the illogical into logic. First it grates against my inner being and second I find no inherent entertaining value. He is to me less than nothing therefore not worthy of a second of my time. But what is even worse to me is that others have taken to supporting and defending him despite all evidence that he is a huckster and liar of the nth degree. If they cannot see what my own eyes and ears have seen and heard since he thrust himself into the limelight of our political conscience then it tells me more about them than about him.
     To truly be a trump supporter one must have the ability to block out objectivity and facts laid out like an algorithm in a proven logical sequence. So what is the point in using civilized language and symbols to reach a trump supporter who will not even agree to a shared communicative form? Which is why those who support and defend the simpleton trump will have no time with me at all. I value time as a resource of limited quantity therefore to me it is a quality issue. I cannot share my time with those who are not of the enlightened modern mind. Now before you say that I should try to convince them of their error, remember, I just said they do not communicate using the same truths of the language or symbols of our society. Which brings me back to saying once again, support trump then you do not exist to me.

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