Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Medicare for all (#3609)

     We have a health care system already established so why not utilize it to cover every American citizen? It seems like a slam dunk to me in that there are just expansion issues and not a building of a whole new model. Of course republicans want to do away with any health care option that includes all because they are the most despicable types of people but thankfully they are just a cruel minority. They are sitting on the power at the moment but that won't last beyond the 2020 election. So in preparation for that we democrats need to have our policies lined up and ready to implement. So let's get behind the obvious when it comes to health care and institute Medicare for all.
     We see the positive numbers on support for health care and we cannot miss this opportunity to get a universal plan in place. We have to include all of our citizens as a right and even though the market will still have a say in what the prices may be they will not be able to dictate to us what they want for pricing. Surely I would rather we devise a health care system that not only covers all but eliminates for profit coverage. I just think in this time and place we need to take advantage of a Medicare for all program and build from there going forward.
     I am not an expert here and could well be convinced to support a policy idea that is better than Medicare for all but I won't go backwards and support anything less than what we had when the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act originally passed. It has been watered down by republicans in hopes of destroying the whole thing and for that I have an anger that has no bounds. So moving forward we as a democratic party had better realize that if we don't coalesce around an inclusive idea like Medicare for all we will be giving republicans a resuscitation they absolutely don't deserve, while losing a chance to improve the health and welfare of our nation.

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