Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Protect or let die, I choose protect! (#3603)

     Yesterday was a perfect example of how republican politics differs from democratic politics. I know many of you may think I am referring to the White House meeting with Nancy, Chuck and trump but I am not. I am referring to the incident in my neighbors backyard. 3 of his bigger younger dogs was attacking a smaller much older dog. He couldn't hear the screaming from the attacked dog because his hearing aids were not in. I heard it and as quick as I could got to our shared fence and got up enough to shout at the pile which was just on the other side. The dogs were surprised and scattered although the biggest one came at me into the fence.
     That being said he couldn't get through the fence at me and while I had distracted them the attacked dog got up and moved away toward a better defensive position. I ran back into the house and called my neighbor and he responded to my call and got out into his backyard and prevented further mayhem. I could have ignored the screaming from the attacked dog and let nature take it's course, the republican survival of the fittest mode, or I could do like I did and intervene and stop the attack like what we democrats do as an instinct. Saving the life of any soul is important to us and not something I will ever be willing to stand by and just let happen.
     The attacked dog was doing okay at last check and her owners were so grateful for my intervention. They are older and not as physically able to handle the rigors of taking care of all their dogs in a more perfect way. They rescue German Shepherds and sometimes the wrong combination of dogs gets together. Afterward I thought long and hard about how that all went down, though I am no stranger at all to breaking up dog fights. Yet it reminded me this morning of how republicans would just shrug off any nobler humanism aimed at sacrifice and how we democrats are just programmed differently even when it may in a very real way harm us. The republican party is about selfishness and greed while we democrats are about respecting all of life with the compassion and curiosity that is not always perfect but absolutely strives to be.

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