Saturday, December 29, 2018

fox "news" is the daily briefing of trump (#3620)

     It surely doesn't surprise me that trump gets his talking points from the most corrupt dishonest right wing news organization since nazi propaganda in Germany about 8 decades ago. Everything trump does or talks about comes straight from the mouths of those ultra conservative talking heads at fox. But it is not by chance that fox aligns with his own views, they are just an extension of how he thinks and a perfect way for him to keep sharp on his own diseased perspective. This way he doesn't have to read or god forbid listen to counter points that he doesn't want to hear. He can just sit back and bask in his own way of thinking without ever having escape his safe harbor. The pain it must cause him to have to adjust his thinking must be part of why he will never relent from his basic rotten core.
     Such is the nature of trump. No time for being a comprehensive objective thinker because it causes him to go from his simple hateful self into someone who may actually be useful. Wishful thinking on my part but hey, it is the season for wishes right? Wrong, there is no season of wishful thinking when it comes to trump and his death wish for all who are not worshipping him. I actually mean that sincerely since he would rather we not exist than have to deal with an opposing point of view regardless if it is based in logic and fact. Because with trump logic and fact are just words that have little sway with him when they counter anything he believes that he is right about.
     So as the end of trump's all republican control of government is approaching he must be twisting into knots trying to figure out how to keep his fox "news" agenda alive without compromising any of it. Surely he will try to pressure we democrats with his bombastic carnivalistic rhetoric but we are used to it so don't expect that to work. So what will he do? He will listen to fox "news" or to his new foreign friends, aka previously scourge ridden enemies, for their take on how to manipulate the democratic ideal away from we the people. However his chances are slim to none on that front so what will be left to him? Crying like a baby and no action going forward. He will have to deal with some reality, logic and facts for a change and it will hurt his heartless soul to no end. Yay for the rest of us!

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