Daily, I used to watch politics on C-span and the intelligent cable news shows. Not anymore. For one thing the wrong party is in control of Congress so there is nothing I will get from watching them fumble around to destroy our democracy on either of the C-span channels. They certainly have no plans to help the working middle poor class so watching the pundits on the less harmful cable news shows commiserate about how we are all going to be screwed is not my idea of healthy forward thinking. So I will find other distractions of a positive nature to occupy myself. I will stay on my social media platforms so that the rest of you may enlighten me of anything that is productive but as far as me being engaged to lead the way with others that will not be my course.
The idea that a majority of voting Americans think that giving this immoral criminal another shot at leading our nation is beyond me. Not only him but the political party, the republicans, who supported electing him is again beyond me. I am ashamed being associated with this current society of ours and I can only hope that a lesson is learned from all of this if it doesn't kill us. Facing at least four more years of coming pain and suffering at the hands of republicans is bad enough so watching it is even worse. I have better things to do with my time. I know it is coming so for me to watch it happen is counter productive. I tried to warn everyone of what is about to happen but it seems that not being aware is the new trend.
If I were younger and had more energy maybe I could handle this horrible future we are about to experience with more fight. However I am not younger and cannot bring enough energy to bear. So I will try to enjoy the lesser things in life that don't constantly remind me of how we sabotaged ourselves and pulled defeat out of the jaws of victory. When I say I am ashamed of who we are as a nation I am fully disappointed to the nth degree. The only ones going around bragging about how great we are consist of imbeciles and psychopaths. This truly is a moment in time when all the good our nation has done over the last two centuries is about to become moot in the face of the harm we are about to unleash.
This blog will be an advocate for compassion, curiosity and human survival. When these elements of human nature are being denied, wholly, severally or individually, less than positive human traits are the outcome. It is my wish and hope that my reasonings on a variety of subjects will provide the readers of this blog with personal and public insights. My only motive is to provide a forum for advancing enlightenment. Carl Clark.
Saturday, January 4, 2025
(#5816) I cannot watch the switch over from dems to the anti democracy party reps
Friday, January 3, 2025
(#5815) I got the yardwork done yesterday and Billy came home with me from the veterinarian visit
The one thing that had me worried yesterday was my dog Billy. I knew it was a 50/50 chance that Billy would not come home with me. Either treatment or having to put him down. Billy is a long hair Chihuahua who is 14 1/5 years old. He has been with me for 12 of those years. He has also been through a lot so if I was going to be told he was likely dying I wanted to spare him the suffering and let the Doc at the vet help him along. The Doc thinks he may have a fatal tumor but he also said it may just be an abscess. The biopsy will be in either today or tomorrow so either way Billy is with me and is on a medication regimen that is tailored to the growth being an abscess.
I have been through this before in two different ways. My longtime cat Carter was attacked by some roaming dogs and although I had surgery done on carter it wasn't enough to save his life. He died at home. Also a few years later my pug Niky's health faltered, she was diabetic and after a year of twice a day shots of Insulin her health started failing quickly. At the vets, same Doc in all these situations, let me be with her when her final breath was taken. I kind of expected that yesterday morning. But I will never quit on my little wards because to me they are the children I never had.
So bringing my dog Billy back home yesterday was somewhat of a triumph. He even looks and acts better after the two rounds of medications. I guess I was so stoked about Billy still being with me that I was able to finish all the hard work of grooming the front and back yards yesterday. Good thing too because it was supposed to rain today and that is exactly what it did today and is still doing into this late morning. I know we all have a limited time clock attached to our lives but it still hurts hard and deep when a life that is close to us is no more. I love being alive and I hate when we die. Most of us cannot fathom why the wealthy aren't trying to save every life with their unimaginable wealth when we the rest of us would do just that!
Thursday, January 2, 2025
(#5814) Home day today
All morning the wild Turkeys in the backyard creek area have been gobbling. Since about 5 this morning it has been more than intermittent. As well this morning my dog Billy needs a veterinary visit for a gland issue that could be serious. I am also hoping to do more yard work in the front and backyard. The possibility of rain may thwart me but it looks to be holding off until tomorrow. Either way though I can get a lot of prep work done if it doesn't and then complete my yard work tomorrow. I am interested in what is going on with the Turkeys out back though.
They sleep up in the trees that are on the border of the creek so I am used to them being close but they are making a lot of noise, more than usual. I will go out now and at least look as it is now light enough outside to see. Well all I saw were a couple of Turkeys across the creek in a big Oak tree flying down from about 20 feet to a yard out of my line of sight. No more noise from them so it must have been resolved whatever it was. As to my dog Billy he is laying down comfortably for now so that in about an hour and a half I will gather him up and drive to the vets office.
Billy is an older doggie, about 14 and a half years old but he is still vibrant and engaged up until the last few days with the swollen gland. I expect a solution for his ailment as the most probable outcome but you know how things go despite what we think. I have had enough pets over the decades to understand what happens when our hopes are dashed so I will hope for the best but at the same time expect the worst. This life we live is hard in that it takes from us when it wants and gives us little comfort for it. We do prevail though because we really don't have an alternative. Which is why we try to catch problems early on and accept the cost of solving them when it is our duty to do so.
Wednesday, January 1, 2025
(#5813) It isn't easy trying to do good as much as possible
Doing good is the easy part but the process can very often be so tiring. It often reminds me of the myth of Sisyphus, his never ending pushing a boulder uphill. I am generally talking about how the doing good part is relentless in a time when others are not sharing that load. Which illustrates the effort needed to get doing good done. I think about how if we were all doing good the times we would need to do good would be exponentially lessened. Not that doing good is a bad thing but it would need to be done less if we are all trying to do good. The sheer volume of good doing that needs to be done is overwhelming. How do we choose between good deeds when the majority of the deeds are vitally necessary?
We have to prioritize how we choose and that leaves me with an overall despair because regardless of our doing good many will not benefit from the little the rest of us can muster. However, doing one's part is always a priority because some advancement is better than none regardless of the minimalist outcome. When our species cares about each other we are at our best and that is my vision for our existence. It also puts us on track to evolve our existence toward a higher plane of understanding. You hear the term manifest destiny used in conjunction with land acquisition but for me it is our species advancing into the unknown to acquire more knowledge and innovations from that knowledge.
So although tiring because of the workload of doing good it is still much better than the anguish of pain and suffering all around. So hopefully more of us will help take the helm and guide our species toward pathways that actually alleviate the need to always be doing good on a constantly needed basis. If you don't know or haven't figured this out yet we all owe a duty of care to our species. We do not live separate from each other nor individually as a rule. We are a community species that thrives when we are all part of the same quest. I guess what I am asking is that instead of being outside the reality of our problems we all roll up our sleeves and take on the doing good so that we can then move on to other more advanced possibilities our species is capable of achieving.