Wednesday, January 22, 2025

(#5834) Unfortunately life is a series of adventures and misadventures

     I have pretty much given up on life's adventures to enjoy peace and solitude instead. But it seems that life''s misadventures have not given up on me. Oh well, such is the state of reality in our existence. Of course we should be trying to make our existence better for ourselves and those who follow us but it seems that too many don't care about that and instead have made themselves immune to the problems and suffering of others. They would rather believe they are gaining for themselves and blame others for their misfortunes. This time we live in could have been so much better but that moment of positive movement forward is on hold for now if ever.
     My mode now is to, if possible, minimize the pain and suffering heading my way and by extension anyone who like me didn't ask for this. All I can do at this time is to react appropriately and then try to get out ahead so that I am not reacting but being proactive. The nightmare scenarios running through my head are not helpful but they do give my founded fears a boundary to which at least recognize. I can imagine a real hellscape and hopefully that doesn't come about but I would be a fool if I didn't at least try to prepare for it. Hope for the best but expect the worst has always worked for me.
     I had the same thought back at the beginning of 2017 and rationalized staying here and fighting hard to prevent our nation from becoming a victim to a heartless soul. We did survive that and in 2021 got a leader who actually cared about people instead of this one again who only cares about himself. The misadventures that are still out there waiting to happen will still come around but at least I am not unprepared for most of them. As to having peace and solitude that idea is not possible now or at least over the at minimum next four years. However, I am not done fighting for a better world for all of us and if having to endure even longer then so be it.

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