Friday, January 3, 2025

(#5815) I got the yardwork done yesterday and Billy came home with me from the veterinarian visit

      The one thing that had me worried yesterday was my dog Billy. I knew it was a 50/50 chance that Billy would not come home with me. Either treatment or having to put him down. Billy is a long hair Chihuahua who is 14 1/5 years old. He has been with me for 12 of those years. He has also been through a lot so if I was going to be told he was likely dying I wanted to spare him the suffering and let the Doc at the vet help him along. The Doc thinks he may have a fatal tumor but he also said it may just be an abscess. The biopsy will be in either today or tomorrow so either way Billy is with me and is on a medication regimen that is tailored to the growth being an abscess.
     I have been through this before in two different ways. My longtime cat Carter was attacked by some roaming dogs and although I had surgery done on carter it wasn't enough to save his life. He died at home. Also a few years later my pug Niky's health faltered, she was diabetic and after a year of twice a day shots of Insulin her health started failing quickly. At the vets, same Doc in all these situations, let me be with her when her final breath was taken. I kind of expected that yesterday morning. But I will never quit on my little wards because to me they are the children I never had.
     So bringing my dog Billy back home yesterday was somewhat of a triumph. He even looks and acts better after the two rounds of medications. I guess I was so stoked about Billy still being with me that I was able to finish all the hard work of grooming the front and back yards yesterday. Good thing too because it was supposed to rain today and that is exactly what it did today and is still doing into this late morning. I know we all have a limited time clock attached to our lives but it still hurts hard and deep when a life that is close to us is no more. I love being alive and I hate when we die. Most of us cannot fathom why the wealthy aren't trying to save every life with their unimaginable wealth when we the rest of us would do just that!

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