Saturday, January 18, 2025

(#5830) My disappointment

      We Americans had two chances to elect a decent respectful president in 2016 and 2024 and failed. Both times the losing candidate was a woman as well. Which would have marked the first time a woman had been elected president of the United States. I have been and will always be an advocate for women in our society. First off the women in my life have shown greater character and behavior than the men in my life. That matters to me when evaluating whether we should be led by women who care enough to put themselves out there to lead. Another reason I advocate for women is because they have been treated with utter contempt in our American "equality" system.
     That women are not equal with men in our culture is a sign that men are petty and disrespectful when it comes to sharing equality. even though women have shown throughout the generations that they are equal to men in every way that matters. Then there is the emotional aspect of being a human being. Men are quick to deaden their emotional feelings about things that should affect them. Women are not so quick to let die the feelings of care and kindness. They would rather learn and understand what it takes to improve society not bury it. Not all men are condescending to women as a species less than them. Many of us know that we are both a physical and emotional being. We gain strength through physical power and emotional command.
     I have learned physical strength from men that did shape my future. I have also learned emotional strength from women that has evolved my soul to a place where my physical strength leaves off. Both men and women are strong shapers of my life and both deserve to have equal representation in our society. My disappointment is that other men who should know better have failed women so that those men can have some kind of control they absolutely don't deserve. It is their pettiness and lack of strength in too many areas of their lives that rules them and not the better and best of who they should be. In my consideration we made two huge mistakes in 2016 and 2024 by not electing two deserving women to power who would have made our lives special instead of grueling.

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