Thursday, January 16, 2025

(#5828) When a political party demands obedience

      We all are witnessing the undeniable truth of subservience in the name of duty. It isn't in our democratic party because we are the big tent party where all views of liberty and justice are acceptable. Unlike the republicans who are demonstrating the requirement of fealty to its leadership. Instead of the leaders representing the people the people in the republican playbook must represent what their leaders dictate to them. So instead of the leaders following through on the demands of the people the people are forced to follow through on what their leaders tell them to do. This isn't democracy it is tyranny.
     I for one will not be led around as if I were cattle. Especially by the latest crop of backward republican leaders who have no time for intelligence. They do have time to bully and be cruel. So I will not accept their "advice" as to how I live my life nor should you. Instead a quiet uprising of sorts is necessary. Using our current rights to protest and debate for as long as we still have those rights. The republican party is giddy over their opportunity to consolidate their power over our democracy and undermine it to establish a form of governance that is more controlled than free. The republicans will decide which hopes and dreams we are allowed to pursue and nothing less than obedience to their coming doctrine will be acceptable.
     Obedience will translate into subservience. We will all become molded into particular types without dissimilarity. Our cookie cutter lives will be our only option as a rule. What punishments may come for deviating from the rules will show themselves, most likely harsh and brutal. Picture what putin does to his countrymen who disobey his wishes and you then will know what the republicans will allow here. Having a leader who is a tyrant is not a happy event. The realization will come shortly for those who think it is some cool kind of fad. Many of us already know how this is going to be. Those who don't are about to learn a lesson they may well not survive. Freedom lost is very hard to recapture and there will be many who are going to find out in the gravest of ways.

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