Tuesday, January 7, 2025

(#5819) Something needs to change

      I do not know what change we need but staying static now is how the worst of what is coming will be. Nothing does stay the same but some things are slower to change than other things. Yes, I am being intentionally vague because I am not one who is wise enough to spell it out with authority. Our civilization is under siege by those who cannot nor will not let the best of who we are as a species be our manifest destiny. Instead they are committed to keeping their boots on the neck of our existence so that they can be lazy and infectiously cruel. Their master plan is inside their heads and only benefits them.
     The rest of the majority of us are their prize and they will have us to be at their beck and call. Such a distorted and diseased concept but they have decided theirs and ours fate. Now it is time for a change before that fate they so desire can be cemented into our societies. Freedom and equality are not just words in this blog post. They are living and breathing concepts that have stirred the hearts and minds of countless generations before us. The sacrifices made in the past for us to now let that freedom and equality slip through our fingers is abhorrent to those of us who honor our foreparents' sacrifices.
     That something that must change may either be many small steps or just a few large ones. But have no doubt about it, it must happen or our reality will become less than a fond memory and more a nightmare in a very short time. It is at this point I would insert a statement about how strong and enduring we are as a freedom loving country but I cannot make that claim any longer. We, our American society, have shown that we care little about ideals of honor and courage. Instead we only seem to care about selfishness and being entertained. The republican party has spent decades working to undermine our best intentions as a democracy and their efforts are now about to pay off.

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