Sunday, January 5, 2025

(#5817) Getting my ducks in a row

      The new year is here and I am not happy about it. I have some unfinished things to accomplish within my own control and I need to get them done so that whatever starts happening outside my control won't affect me negatively. In my mind and soul I most always presume that it is better to be safe than sorry. So not procrastinating one minute is my determination. Of course nothing happens in a vacuum but as long as I do my part I cannot later kick myself for dropping the ball if there is a fumble. Mixing metaphors is okay with me as long as the mix makes sense.
     There are times when I need to focus on myself instead of others. I can do more than two things at the same time but some individual things require my full attention for at least some short period of time. Such is the case. I suppose it is in some ways like a new years resolution however in this case it is like a last year's responsibility. I am less certain how the new year of 2025 will play out so having myself up to date much like a computer upgrade is sensible. I have already stated that this year will begin heavily with me focusing on self care. I will never shirk an obligation of responsibility but my focus will be on me giving myself the best chance to get through what I know will be anguish and depressive incredulity.
     If I am to defend against the coming onslaught I need to have my mettle hardened and ready to employ. Much like girding up for battle the better prepared I am will only make my efforts a bit more possible. Right now I am still vulnerable in my mind because I am still in shock over the last election. In my heart I can believe some kind of fix was successful. I cannot prove anything nor am I going to be a conspiracy theorist. So what is left to do? If there was some kind of fix achieved then the coming battle to save our democracy will have to be an all in affair for all of us who understand the stakes. I need to be prepared and getting my ducks in a row is how I will be most effective for what is coming.

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