Friday, January 31, 2025

(#5843) I am still unable to correct the flaws of this existence

     In my more than 69 years of being alive on this planet I have been unable to correct the flaws of this existence. I don't know how to do that but I know I need to try. The magic formula for it has escaped all of us and the mental acuity to devise a solution for it is also beyond our current comprehension. If you are in doubt as to what I am talking about it is an existence where pain and suffering seem to dominate with little relative time to disappear it. My thought here is as lofty as it gets but I have never been deterred by difficulty even though it seems absolutely impossible.
     There has never been a rule book as to how to live in this existence except the ones we devise for ourselves for structure, not for existential creation. I am not trying to be a god either I am just trying to make this existence a better place for all to live in while we have the time. If I could also change time and space surely I would so that we are not left without each other in ways that break our hearts. If this existence is just some experiment as to how we live and react and some greater existence is recording it, then I am disappointed in the concept of being an examined experiment.
     If however anything is possible regardless of the logic then I will endure the last of my living to continue to delve into my mind for a magnificent solution for a more perfect existence before I leave it. I know my nature and it is as good as I may hope it to be so there is nothing more important to me than to make our existence on this planet bend toward the better and best. As it is now the worry is that our existence here will be denigrated from the current plateau to a worsening one. So I feel the urgency of the time to not only continue to advocate for the better and best in more specific areas but to also find a way to imagine a miracle of sorts that has a practical application to all of existence in reversing the pain and suffering we currently cannot shake.

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