Thursday, January 2, 2025

(#5814) Home day today

      All morning the wild Turkeys in the backyard creek area have been gobbling. Since about 5 this morning it has been more than intermittent. As well this morning my dog Billy needs a veterinary visit for a gland issue that could be serious. I am also hoping to do more yard work in the front and backyard. The possibility of rain may thwart me but it looks to be holding off until tomorrow. Either way though I can get a lot of prep work done if it doesn't and then complete my yard work tomorrow. I am interested in what is going on with the Turkeys out back though.
     They sleep up in the trees that are on the border of the creek so I am used to them being close but they are making a lot of noise, more than usual. I will go out now and at least look as it is now light enough outside to see. Well all I saw were a couple of Turkeys across the creek in a big Oak tree flying down from about 20 feet to a yard out of my line of sight. No more noise from them so it must have been resolved whatever it was. As to my dog Billy he is laying down comfortably for now so that in about an hour and a half I will gather him up and drive to the vets office.
     Billy is an older doggie, about 14 and a half years old but he is still vibrant and engaged up until the last few days with the swollen gland. I expect a solution for his ailment as the most probable outcome but you know how things go despite what we think. I have had enough pets over the decades to understand what happens when our hopes are dashed so I will hope for the best but at the same time expect the worst. This life we live is hard in that it takes from us when it wants and gives us little comfort for it. We do prevail though because we really don't have an alternative. Which is why we try to catch problems early on and accept the cost of solving them when it is our duty to do so.

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