Saturday, January 4, 2025

(#5816) I cannot watch the switch over from dems to the anti democracy party reps

      Daily, I used to watch politics on C-span and the intelligent cable news shows. Not anymore. For one thing the wrong party is in control of Congress so there is nothing I will get from watching them fumble around to destroy our democracy on either of the C-span channels. They certainly have no plans to help the working middle poor class so watching the pundits on the less harmful cable news shows commiserate about how we are all going to be screwed is not my idea of healthy forward thinking. So I will find other distractions of a positive nature to occupy myself. I will stay on my social media platforms so that the rest of you may enlighten me of anything that is productive but as far as me being engaged to lead the way with others that will not be my course.
     The idea that a majority of voting Americans think that giving this immoral criminal another shot at leading our nation is beyond me. Not only him but the political party, the republicans, who supported electing him is again beyond me. I am ashamed being associated with this current society of ours and I can only hope that a lesson is learned from all of this if it doesn't kill us. Facing at least four more years of coming pain and suffering at the hands of republicans is bad enough so watching it is even worse. I have better things to do with my time. I know it is coming so for me to watch it happen is counter productive. I tried to warn everyone of what is about to happen but it seems that not being aware is the new trend.
     If I were younger and had more energy maybe I could handle this horrible future we are about to experience with more fight. However I am not younger and cannot bring enough energy to bear. So I will try to enjoy the lesser things in life that don't constantly remind me of how we sabotaged ourselves and pulled defeat out of the jaws of victory. When I say I am ashamed of who we are as a nation I am fully disappointed to the nth degree. The only ones going around bragging about how great we are consist of imbeciles and psychopaths. This truly is a moment in time when all the good our nation has done over the last two centuries is about to become moot in the face of the harm we are about to unleash.

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