Sunday, August 29, 2021

(#4593) The new normal, powerful hurricanes and fires everywhere

      Like the frog who is in the slowly warming pot of water, we Americans are in the same scenario where the climate keeps getting worse year by year. As the frog continues to feel the heat rise slowly but takes no action so are we similarly situated. It is sad that we know the moral of the frog in the warming pot of water yet we refuse to come together to stop our own eventual death by extreme climate. The attacks on science and logic are showing themselves to be coordinated in that some in our society wish to live for today and to hell with the future. It is cruel and disheartening that those who care not a wit about climate change are sentencing the rest of us to their indifference.
     There are many of us who want to reverse the effects of climate change and we will not stop regardless of the ones who fight against us but not having a full consensus to combat climate change the time lost is excruciating when it is realized that there is no time to waste. Today the coast line in the Gulf Of Mexico on our southern border will be swamped by a devastating hurricane. Meanwhile the west coast of our nation will continue to burn to the tune of nearly a million acres. From historic hot temperatures to historic freezing temperatures the cost of adding to and doing little about the human effects that cause climate change will only grow greater and more severe.
     As our planet is unable to protect us from the solar radiations that will be coming because of our destroying our atmosphere and the rise in water that will cover our land masses the idea that the future looks bright for us, the ones who can imagine an intelligent future, dims precipitously. Yet the hope is that the powers that be will wise up before it is too late and move past the selfish greedy ones so that our planet can begin to heal and return to somewhat normal. The idea that our species will have to revert to living in caves at higher elevations is not what anyone should want yet unless we act it may be our last hope.

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