Sunday, August 1, 2021

(#4565) When our representatives think they are more important than the people

      It is obvious to all who will be objective about facts and truths that the republican party is clinging to a philosophy of government that has never been foresightful and compassionate. We have a few of those in our democratic party but the vast majority of them are the republican party. So not only do the republican politicians think they are a god's gift to humanity they also think that they are here on Earth to decide for us what is best for us. Well, I know when I elect a politician to represent me it is because that politician has listened to me and other like minded souls and represents our hopes and dreams.
     Yet the republican party has that backwards as is noted in how they gerrymander their districts so that they cannot lose. So instead of being elected by a majority of voters whose principles are front and center, they tell their voters what is good for them and that they should be listened to because they know better. Put bluntly, this isn't democracy, this is autocracy. Which explains why so many republican voters are able to look the other way when their political leaders commit acts of treason with impunity. They expect that their political leaders know what they are doing and it must be for the good of them.
     This head in the sand approach to life is just nonsense. In my own life I make all the important decisions after I consider the factors involved. I will always have the final say in whatever decision has come before me. I am me and as me I am duty bound to be the best me possible. Not some hollow version or some cardboard cutout. I have honor and courage in my life and that is why I choose how I live. Not some other person who thinks they know me better than I know myself. Until the republican voter has come full circle in their own lives and the courage to accept it then they will continue to be playthings for other people and their outsized egos.

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