Tuesday, August 31, 2021

(#4595) We moderate, liberal, progressives are about 54% of the voting electorate

      The breakdown of party affiliation is not an easy quotient to ascertain. Yet party affiliation nationally is about 31% democrat and more than half of the 41% Independents lean toward democrats. So with this kind of a margin you would expect that we democrats would have majorities in many more areas of government than we currently do. But we don't because of republican voter suppression tactics aimed at the democratic base and the horrible gerrymandering that is now the staple of republican politics. How do we defeat these twin prongs of disenfranchisement? Well we pass a sound voting protection bill at the national level.
     For one thing, anyone who votes for a party that can only cheat to win should be ashamed of themselves. Yet it seems that knowingly doing wrong despite shame is now normal within the republican party. They are able to disassociate right from wrong as long as they can keep their advantages. So selfishness and greed are the foundation of the republican party and getting them to loosen their vise grip hold on the selfishness and greed is proving difficult. What the rest of us must do is make republicans pay in ways that effect their societal standing. Shunning and ignoring them on all other levels that are voluntary.
     Stop normalizing republicans outside their acts of democracy busting. They are cads for doing to our democracy what they are doing so socializing with them after knowing that is like enabling them to continue their behavior and actions. What I have done in my life is to dismiss all who are not willing to accept reality and logically reached conclusions. By dismiss I mean exit from all contact with them. Family or old friend it doesn't matter. Some I have to keep a cool relationship with because of geography and social construct, yet by cool I mean nothing from me that resembles an outreach. If you are part of the problem my solution to you is that you don't exist in my realm of life. Period!

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