Wednesday, September 1, 2021

(#4596) Selfishness is the problem

      We always knew that being a greedy person would likely get you wealth but being selfish and greedy is how you keep your wealth. I personally think that being ambitious is okay but not greedy. Ambition gets one to a place where dreams are realized if things go their way. Greedy is like taking all the marbles and going home. Greedy is bad, ambition is good sort of. Yet the worst is selfishness. If I have all the marbles and will not play then no one gets to play marbles. When I was a young person growing up marbles were way cool and everyone had some. But in today's society, very few have marbles and rarely does anyone get to play.
     Selfishness is a disease of thought. What brings on selfishness? A mindset that there is never enough and what there is needs to be yours. For me personally, I think selfishness is a mental disorder. Sure I want some things for my self but not all the things or everything. There is a line between what is normal self accumulation and all out accumulation. In today's society there are the wealthy who cannot seem to get enough and then there are the wealthy who won't let any wealth go. Greedy and selfish in different forms. Our democratic market based society is at a loggerhead. Something is going to have to change or the whole system of democracy will crumble.
     For me I could care less about being selfish. I have never been one who has an ego to feed. I enjoy life in the simplest forms without having to judge based upon the dollar. I need to be healthy, fed, clothed, and sheltered and that is my selfishness but beyond that everything else is negotiable. I don't see the world through the lens of having things. I see the world as a place where all have what they need. The extra stuff is good in moderation and occasionally experienced but the idea of wanting it all is absurd when our world has so many who have so little. There are finite resources so hogging them all up is a death sentence for the vast majority of human beings.

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