Tuesday, September 21, 2021

(#4616) Canada stays Liberal with overall about 58% of the total vote

      I stayed up late last night to make sure I was seeing the direction of the will of the people in Canada last night and I was comfortably assured that that will was a Liberal and further left leaning one. Which made me feel good even though the Liberals didn't get a majority they will power share with the (NDP) New Democratic Party who are even more excited to go left with societal policies, and (QP) the Quebec Party. With Prime Minister Trudeau being elected again and his task to form a minority ruling government, that task will pull his left leaning Liberals a bit more left which for me is a good thing. When you look at the totality of the vote with the leading parties the left is a solid majority and the right is still woefully lagging.
     Even though the Conservatives are ahead in the vote count for their party when all the left parties add their votes for a left thinking electorate it dwarfs the right. So all is okay in Canada for the time being. That is what I was waiting to see. I know our political stance here in America does effect the Canadian electorate view and vice versa for the most part so seeing that the left has done well is a harbinger for us to consider when thinking about the upcoming elections here in America. Our world is not that different in our wants and desires and it was shown last night that we from the left political spectrum are the answer to what our ails our societies.
     Well done last night to the 3 major parties, (Lib.), (NDP), and (QP) on the Canadian political left spectrum and it was good to see them garner the largest percentage of the voting electorate, around 58% of the vote. If we Democrats here in America on the left can get near that percentage with our national vote coming up next year we will dominate the political landscape here and revitalize our left spectrum policies for passage. This year we will get a few items in that left spectrum political arena passed but there are more that need to be addressed after our midterms in November 2022. The blue wave liberal progressive agenda is still alive and kicking because Canada just showed us so.

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