Wednesday, September 8, 2021

(#4603) The partisan infrastructure bill should be 10 trillion over 10 years, not for 3.5 trillion over 10 years

      There is so much to do in our nation to right the wrongs of the past republican administrations that the dollar amount needs to reflect the actual damage. With 10 trillion over 10 years Congressional Representative Alexandria Ocasio Cortez figures this: ..."that the U.S. could “realistically” need $10 trillion over 10 years to “create tens of millions of good union jobs in this country, that can shore up our health care, our infrastructure, our housing, and doing it in a way that draws down our carbon emissions.”", A long view for sure and that to me is wise. By patching things with intermediate measures we are not taking into account the most efficient way to redirect our economy and our society on whole.
     I know that the 2 current infrastructure bills being considered are about 4 trillion and could go even lower yet are not small attempts. They at least are a beginning toward addressing our problems however we should be doing more than just beginning. We should be attacking the problem with an eye toward eliminating the problem. I am not one who would take an aspirin for a broken bone and be satisfied with some relief. I want the bone reset and taken care of until full recovery. Such it is for our hard and human infrastructure maladies. They need the full attention and action required to not only repair the damage but to rebuild the paradigms.
     So when I hear some democrats complain about the 3.5 trillion price tag for the human infrastructure bill I want to capture their attention and make them understand that solving a problem requires a full understanding of what that problem is and not just some amount in a ledger. The time for solving problems is right now with the majorities we democrats have. Not tomorrow, not next week but right now. Not only will getting done the real solutions needed for our Democracy help most all our citizenry but it will also cement in our politics the democratic party as working for it's citizens and establish a baseline for whom to trust with our future.

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