Thursday, September 9, 2021

(#4604) Helping people is who we are, not hurting people!

      I see in my newsfeed on Facebook this morning an advertisement from my state of California telling me how to get rent relief from Covid if needed. I don't need it since I own my home but many others do so I posted the article to my wall so others can see if it helps them. To me this is helping people when they need help. It is like when food banks offer food to those who have none. Unlike in Texas where they just passed into law restrictive voting rights and abortion rights. Neither of these help people in their normal daily lives in fact they are designed to hurt people!
     I don't know what is going on in Texas with the majority of voters who keep these republican politicians in office for the pain of losing rights and not getting necessary help when it is needed. Someone will have to explain to me why our lives are so different from each other California vis a vis Texas. Life is complicated and for anyone to think that we can live it without help is dishonest. California voters, of whom there are approximately 25 million, overwhelmingly have decided that a government that helps its citizens improve their lives is much better than one that makes their lives harder.
     Texas voters, of whom there are approaching 20 million, are still opting for their state government to leave them alone and leave them to the mercies of fate, if any mercy at all. The rationale is that all Texans should be able to make their own way in life. Despite the fact that their rights and opportunities are handcuffed. Like when the current governor of Texas says that he will stop all rapes as a solution for stopping rapes. The absurdity of his comment is in line with the state of Texas thinking that people can do without help when they need it. The struggle for the soul of Texas is taking place right now and in the 2022 election we may see the state of Texas begin to resemble the humane strategy of California and help its citizens instead of hurting them.

1 comment:

mothernatureearthmom said...

I don't understand Texas, at all. Small government - except when they want to tell businesses and school districts that they can't do the steps necessary to keep their employees, students, customers, and staff safe. And I fear when Abbott said he'll get the rapists off the streets the he will target specific demographics. Many rapists are in the home of the raped. But rape is probably not the main reason for abortions, which their "small" government thinks it can ban. Fingers crossed for Texans voting.