Friday, September 24, 2021

(#4619) The republican party shirking paying it's bills

      What do you call someone who won't pay their bills? A deadbeat or fraudster comes to mind. I prefer to think of them as conmen/women. They take what isn't theirs and then run from that manipulated theft. This is what is now the current republican party. Under trump they amassed massive debt and now that it is coming due the republicans in the House and Senate are refusing to either pay for their debt nor even acknowledge it. Why you may ask are they doing this? The answer is simple. By ignoring anything to do with their past debt they plan to go full out on blaming democrats for it. How can they do that you may ask? Easy, because the American electorate is too brain addled to keep basic facts in their head for more than a New York second.
     Now not all of the American electorate are incapable of knowing who the thieves are but too many are. The republican party has strategically determined that if they stay out of paying bills they accumulated they can gain in the 2022 elections. Now that does sound counter intuitive yet the sheep that keep voting for republicans are all in on falling for it. Like blaming President Obama for Hurricane Katrina when it happened years before Obama became president. It doesn't matter to republicans because they know their base are not nearly the sharpest nor brightest. The republican party is a manipulating one and no person of honorable conviction would ever be part of them.
     Which makes this real easy for the rest of us when the election time rolls around again. The simple reminder that voting for all democrats is the best way to get a good government. Never voting for a republican is the best way to get them out of seats of power. Win/win. We will soon see how the debt ceiling and bill paying fiasco turns out but know this, the democrats are going to do what needs to be done to pay that bill. However the republican party eventually acts in their theft, the fate of America's financial credit will not be allowed to falter nor crash. The republican party is holding the good faith and credit of America hostage so that they can try to score political points. Still want to be a republican?

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