Saturday, September 4, 2021

(#4599) The nefarious republican agenda is exposed for all to see!

      For 50 years I have been sounding the alarm about the republican party and it's cruel and undemocratic agenda. When I was 14, I was advocating for the voting age to be lowered to 16. But it wasn't and instead it was lowered to 18 from 21 in 1970, 26th Amendment. Still though I had my politics figured out the correct way. My grandparents were both staunch democrats because they had lived through the roaring twenties,, and the obvious horrible great depression of the 1930's. The working middle poor class struggled to survive while the wealthy grew their income. Today the history of the selfish greed of the wealthy and their enablers the republican party is replaying.
     I vote in all elections because I know how precious my vote is to me. With my vote I get to participate in our democracy and with my vote I get to fight against those who would take it from me. Like with world war 2, our democracy was threatened from outside forces but not like today where our democracy is threatened by internal forces. They, those that threaten, have the same outlook on life. Both see others as less than their white selves. They also hold that the master slave concept of government is more in tune with their ideals of them being deserving.
     My steely conviction to democratic principles makes me a lifetime democrat and the values that are instilled within the democratic party of equity and opportunity for all, to name a few are foundational. The republican party is one of nasty segregation and the idea that humans are tools to be used by the wealthy. Not partners in successful enterprise but utilized as disposable. All of this is now in the open as the pandemic has revealed the inequity of our society and the republican party as those who are fighting to keep that inequity as the status quo. We are all human beings who have the right to exist in our democracy with respect and opportunity. The harm that republicans are still causing all these decades later must end now when we can see the enemy and he is our republican neighbor!

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