Thursday, September 30, 2021

(#4624) The republican party is out to destroy democracy!

      That the republican party is part of democracy does not matter to them. They know they cannot win elections on a major scale anymore so their lust for power has to be sated through rigging elections to maintain power. Then once they are back in power by their actions they will make removing them from office a crime. We are at a tipping point for our democracy and if you are not engaged in that understanding you will be just like those good folks who were oblivious and allowed the nazis in Germany to come to power. This iteration of the republican party is more concerned with power than serving our citizenry. They instead want our citizenry to serve them.
     Democracy has to be fought for if it is to continue and if we get complacent like we are now the jeopardy is that it will be lost. There will always be devious souls like trump who care not about equality, freedom and liberty. Instead they care about power, wealth and adulation. Their psychopathy is their ego and nothing else will substitute for it. We need representative leaders in political office, not the deranged who expect deserves without earning them. The republican party is not a party of democratic values as you can surmise for yourself given their push for democratic principled restrictions and obstructions.
     What the republican party is now is a bastion for the worst animal natures of a civilized society. Instead of honoring the social contract we all hold as necessary for living together, they demand special dispensations from having to participate fairly in our democratic processes. Their response to not receiving special attentions is to destroy the social and political construct we have built as our democracy. The idea that republicans feel they are more deserving of anyone else is an untreated disease that needs to be recognized. Otherwise the society as we know it in America will not be an inclusive one it will become like the concept that nazi Germany barely missed forcing upon the world 80 years ago.

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