Thursday, September 23, 2021

(#4618) Police reform died from the republican strategy of delay and kill

      Once more we have seen how the republican party is as worthless as scum. They have no intent to do anything that helps the working middle poor class. Nothing! The only reason they signed onto the hard infrastructure bill was to give their wealthy donors a shot at getting some of that construction money. The republican party does not want police accountability, they want the police to be able to rough up our citizenry with impunity. The republicans would not touch changing the qualified immunity aspect that protects rogue police officers from being held accountable for incidents similar and exactly like the George Floyd murder.
     I cannot tell you how much this is a stain on our society that the republicans would rather have a strong armed militarized police force to muscle us like caged animals into their form of authorized vigilante justice. Without the benefit of judicial and lawful protections we the people are left at the mercy of the whim of any particular police officer. All the evidence to the contrary, the republican party finds that controlling our freedom and liberties as more essential than protecting them. It is not a one off as the republican party does the same by denying our right to vote instead of protecting and enhancing it. The republican party is at war with the working middle poor class and until we all understand the fact of this the end of our misery will continue.
     By making police officers monetarily accountable and held to criminal punishments that are not insignificant we the American populace will continue to be harmed and killed by police officers who know they won't be punished for extra legal acts against us. This is another reason why the filibuster in the senate needs to be abolished. There is no way police reform can qualify for reconciliation to get around the 60 vote threshold so getting the regular order to a majority vote is the only way we will be able to pass crucially needed police reform despite the obstruction of the republican party. Once again the republican party has shown us that delay and kill is their only option for the working middle poor class.

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