Sunday, September 19, 2021

(#4614) One person one vote!

      Corporations are not people and money is not speech. People are people and that is it. Speech is voice from humans and that is that! Corporations are economic gatherings of people, and Money is a tangible method for exchange. Do not confuse what are otherwise differing objects and subjects as anything other than what they are. Use a dictionary if you are still confused. I bring this up because the republican party wants to give the powerful, the rights of humans in differing forms while denying rights of humans in personal form. A quick change con artist would be proud. We Americans must not be fooled by the devious who want to make us their fools.
     Life really is simple if you know what words mean. You cannot be fooled by someone who challenges your intelligent with confidence yet have no basis for their claim. When challenged, challenge them right back with facts. It may be uncomfortable but it is a value that defines who you are and who they are. Fear is always present when confronting uncomfortable situations but more importantly courage is respected even though your courage may be dishonored. You live with yourself so you know what you will put up with but when it comes to your honor you cannot put up with much disgrace as otherwise you will fail your own sense of right and wrong.
     When our democracy has at its foundation the one person one vote concept it is then that all of us can participate in ways that are truthful and creative. Our society is so riddled with the falseness of the republican mantra of hate and division that we are still fighting for our rights instead of utilizing them. The coming voting rights protection bill that is being formulated and offered by Senate democrats is a good start but not the best finish. Yet from this bill we can improve on it as it is a strong foundation for protecting the one person one vote concept. It needs to become law and how that is accomplished is still a question. Let us hope that a way is found and from that, the beginning of the end of corporations are people and money is speech will occur!

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