Thursday, September 16, 2021

(#4611) Defending our Constitution

      Yesterday, I was privileged to see first hand on C-span2 the floor speech by Democratic Senator from Virginia Tim Kaine. It was to me like Democratic Senator Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota described as extraordinary and I would even go further and call it crucial. Tim explained that his oath of office was never the first thing he thought of when thinking about his job description as an elected official until just days after him and his colleagues being victims of the January 6th trump conspired insurrection. He said that his oath of office, to defend and protect the constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic, is his real job description,
     I was so proud to hear Tim say what he said in defense of the new voting rights protection legislation that is now supported by all 50 Democratic/Independent Senators in the Democratic caucus. With impassioned speeches like the one especially from Tim yesterday I cannot see any way at all for the filibuster defenders to continue to defend the filibuster or not want a carve out for voting rights protections. The idea that they would be dismissing their constitutional duties in order to defend a rule that is not constitutionally mandated when the right to vote, which is constitutionally mandated and under attack, is illogical, nonsensical, and a violation of their oath.
     I know that the Senate filibuster rule, that is designed to make legislation difficult to pass, has a function in an otherwise collegial and respectful way may be useful. However, our politics is beyond all that wishful thinking and the cold hard truth of it is that the republican party will never be a fair and honest party that puts the needs and rights of the working middle poor class alongside those of their base, the wealthy and powerful. The only alternative, which Tim Kaine exposed yesterday in his floor speech is for Democrats to seize the moment and pass voting rights protections in any way possible which is showing to be through at least a carve out of the filibuster.

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