Saturday, September 18, 2021

(#4613) Unregulated capitalisms greed infects us all

      Without a cap on the top of how much anyone or any entity can accumulate there will be fewer and fewer who can participate in capitalisms opportunities. When a few are in control of the greatest share of resources and wealth funds the less likely it is that all can participate in capitalism except as an otherwise pawn for those few. When I imagine capitalism I imagine everyone having a small but profitable business that either is self run or pays livable wages to it's employees. I don't imagine single monoliths that control not only it's own personal decision about what a livable wage is but also controls our politics to make sure no law is passed that interrupts it's decision about what a livable wage is.
     There are only a few things in my existence that I consider of value. My labor being the greatest of these. Next is my knowledge and imagination. When my labor is downgraded to a space that is only occupied by more disrespect than appreciation I know that capitalism is not working for me. When that happens it is generally because democracy is being thwarted by greedy capitalistic motives that have nothing to do with a healthy society but more to do with ulterior motives by those few who control too much of our resources and wealth funds.
     This isn't too difficult to understand. Logic explains it if we just look at the big picture and know that democracy is the container that all other paradigms exist within. Capitalism is a subset of democracy but when capitalism is elevated above or to a greater degree than democracy then we won't have a fair and just economic system, no, we will have a greedy economic system that is controlled by those who cannot nor will not rule with wisdom or fairness. They instead will rule with their own concept of greed when it comes to how the rest of us live our lives. Capitalism must never be given a higher status than democracy. Which is why capitalism must have a reasonable and merit based cap on the amount of resources and wealth funds any person or entity can acquire.

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