Saturday, September 11, 2021

(#4606) I hate this day!

      Having watched on television the horror of the attack on America by a calculating group of terrorists 20 years ago and being able to do nothing, I am still scarred. I hate that shrub didn't understand his daily briefings enough to abort this attack, and because of that failure led our nation down a path of misery and deception for 2 decades. I am still angry that we went to war against Iraq and Afghanistan when none of the perpetrators were either Iraqi nor Afghani. 15 of the 19 were Saudi's but we didn't seem to care about that. 2 were United Arab Emirate citizens with one each from Lebanon and Egypt. I would count 20 perpetrators because I include a 16th Saudi, bin laden.
     I am still angry at the thought of those poor souls on the upper levels above the plane attacks who had no escape whatsoever and instead had to know they were about to become dead. I am sick at the thought of all those first and second responders who had contacted deadly illnesses because they tried to save lives on that fateful day and were for years denied benefits, no thanks for less than nothing once again republicans! I hate this day because the greed of our capitalistic society ferments hatred around the world at us because we are ruthless in applying our form of selfishness.
     I hate this day because it reminds me that there are problems bigger than all of us that are not being addressed. Because this day reminds me that another strategic catastrophe is just around the corner because we have not the will to face up to our own inadequacies. This day is a remembrance day for the souls lost on 9/11 and those are the ones who I will keep in my thoughts but the shadow around us all is not the effect on that day but the cause and we still as a species have not come to terms with it. What we fail to do as an objective species will eventually define the end of our era.

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