Friday, September 3, 2021

(#4598) No republican takeover of the House

      Even with the gerrymandering that republicans have already installed and the redistricting maps they are going to manipulate, the republicans forgot one important thing, policies. They are the most hollow political party on Earth. The only thing they stand for is lying, cheating, and stealing. They sit down for everything else. So when it is time to vote in 2022, the options will be do we want nothing and worse to happen for ourselves and our society for years? Or do we want to keep democrats in charge so that actual policies will help the working middle poor class? As the republican party continues to gut itself with horrific acts and behaviors fewer and fewer voters will follow them.
     So when a cad like kevin mccarthy beats his chest and says that republicans will retake the House it is painfully obvious to me that he is as delusional as his master donnie trump. The House will remain in democratic hands and our advantage in the Senate will increase. How do I know this? Because not even the Independent voters can stomach much more of the treasonous and selfish republican party. So between democrats and independents voting to keep the democratic majority in charge the republicans will be left with tantrums of despair and calls for fraud. They figure that historical trends are on their side but ignoring the fact that republicans are snakes that everyone can see will be their undoing.
     I often wondered how republican voters could stay true to their current form of politicking and I have come to the conclusion that they can't much longer. First the idiocy of Covid denial and anti mask and inoculation stands have depleted their ranks of rock solid voters. I mean c'mon, killing off your own base to what end? Plus they have totally alienated those who are at least intelligent enough to know that logic and science are the foundation of our society. If common sense and the scientific method go away so does the civility and structured life of the social contract. Chaos is a hard thing to keep voting for but if you are a republican it is your only reason for being if you keep voting republican.

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