Monday, September 6, 2021

(#4601) Unions and Democrats gave us the Labor Day holiday

      Due to the courageous work of American Railroad Union leader Eugene Debs and like minded union workers in 1894, then President Democrat Grover Cleveland signed into law the Labor Day holiday, Previous to that too many worked 7 days a week for 12 hours a day to make just enough to survive on. This has been our history over fighting for workers rights and why republicans are so against anything that helps the working middle poor class. Nothing has changed much with republicans as they are still the party of the wealthy and that involves keeping wages low so that the worker pool is large and desperate.
     What Labor Day means to me involves keeping the momentum of safe working conditions and children from being exploited for low wages. It is a day that reminds us that before workers stood up and fought through their unions, the corporations and large companies had all the say in how they treated and paid their employees. Workers were not respected nor desired once their maximum utility had been worn away through slavish unfair work practices. Unions changed that and that is why the powerful corporations and companies would like to see unions disappear. Then they could get back to mistreating their workers to their own financial advantage.
     The republican party is the catalyst for causing worker discontent as they do as their corporate donors desire. A vote for a republican is a vote against worker rights. This is but one area where republicans would dismember the social safety net. They would eliminate social security, medicare/medicaid, unemployment insurance, food stamp programs, equal rights for women in all respects. The list goes on and on and it is very important to republicans which is why they are trying to restrict voting and make it difficult for the working middle poor class to vote. Thanks to unions and Democrats for bringing us a Labor Day holiday and for continuing the fight for the rights of the disadvantaged!

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