Wednesday, September 29, 2021

(#4623) We will know today

      The process for getting President Joe Biden's agenda done has not been an easy one to feel comfortable about. The hang up has always been the two Senate senators, democrats Manchin and Sinema. For their own reasons that have more to do with leverage than ideology, they are bringing the negotiations on just about everything to a cliffs edge. There is no being in lockstep with the rest of the democratic caucus for those two. The problem is that time is now running short for action and they are still playing a game of hide the ball with their personal agendas. Which is not only making all of the political action needed to be taken stalled out but it could very well end up not happening at all.
     It not happening is not what anyone wants, the depth of our problem with climate change will increase exponentially without this human infrastructure bill, yet that cannot ruled out. Less than 48 hours from now we will know what the outcome will be on not only the two infrastructure bills but on the continuing resolution to fund the government. Lost in all of this unnecessary noise is the work that still needs to happen on a voting rights protection bill. Yet the importance of getting the two holdout democrats in the Senate to help pass the immediate bills before them is critical. As to the two infrastructure bills I heard last night a good narrative for the need for both.
     Because both infrastructure bills are two sides of the same coin. Without one or the other the sense of each is incomplete. So making sure that the human infrastructure bill is complete enough with all 50 Senators signed off on it will be needed shortly if the hard infrastructure bill that is going to be voted on Thursday will pass the House. Progressive democrats in the House will accept nothing less if they are to vote for the hard infrastructure bill. To me, all of this dickering is self inflicted and there should be some who pay for that self inflicting. I am not one to tell others how to serve their own lives but those who serve ours need to be held to account for what they are doing in denying our will.

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