Sunday, September 5, 2021

(#4600) The level of hatred in the republican party for humanity and democracy!

      I often say that I hate republicans and then I get some blowback about not being like republicans. Well that is not my understanding. The republican party hates things that stand for democracy and I hate republicans for that, not for things that stand for democracy. Is that clear enough? I am allowed to feel my emotions when the emotions I feel are a natural progression of protecting the best of what humanity can be. When democracy and human respect are under attack I damn sure will get angry and put my emotionally charged reaction to bear on those who would take what we have built and smash it to pieces! I am not above fighting fire with fire when the time for that is upon us.
     In fact I wonder what the hell is wrong with others who are not as angry as I am when it comes to all of us being under attack? Do you not perceive our way of life in a democratic society as worthy of fighting for? Do you not get angry when some would take our rights as human beings away because they want to deny us our liberty and freedom to live in a civilized and just society? I wonder how you cannot hate the similarity to a virus that republicans often emulate? Let me say this, I am not prone to being a rebel who wants to fight for the sake of fighting. Instead I am a calm man who when provoked by the determination of the republican party to hate us will return that hate tenfold!
     Our civilization will not survive unless we defend it. It is that simple so those of you who find that hating is an abomination no matter what circumstance had better rethink that and allow for hate to exist when it is aimed back at the haters who began the hating. There will always be those who think that defeating hate with love is the correct course and I too would rather that be true but that reality with republicans is moot! The republican party is actually banking on us not hating them so that they can resume their overthrow of our democracy. They want us to be the good little sheep who will let them rule our lives instead of us ruling our own!

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