Tuesday, September 7, 2021

(#4602) Congress needs to stop it's recess!

      Tradition be damned when our nation is in such a state of confusion and disarray! Congress needs to be back in session so that the powers that be can exert the type of influence needed to pass Joe Biden's working middle poor class agenda. Taking time off from work when work is exactly what we need our Congress to be doing is counter productive. It also allows for the opposition to change the narrative from what is needed to what isn't needed. Obstructing and misinforming is going on at a high level because our representatives are not legislating about the truth of things.
     I know the Senate will be back in a week and the House will be back in 2 weeks but so much can happen in those empty days that even considering to ignore the possibility will increase the likelihood that the republican party will undermine our attempts to perfect our union. I am tired of republicans creating narratives that are wholly untrue and destructive while we democrats are not in DC to rebut them. It is easy to lie all day long about things when no one is there to challenge the lies. Our media has shown that they are more interested in reporting all they hear regardless if what they hear is true. So we democrats need to be legislating as a way to totally combat the worthlessness of republican rhetoric.
     I may just be being antsy about things but I have learned over time that to get things done the pressure is best applied when the work to get things done is non stop. No time for recesses or breaks, just nose to the stone and when the President's signature in on the necessary laws to improve our society then is the time to take a breath and then stop for a break. Come back to work now and get that work done so that those of us who are proud to be democrats can relax a bit because our representatives are on the job and getting things done with the same hubris and fervor that we expect you to exemplify.

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