Friday, October 1, 2021

(#4625) What Manchin and Sinema don't understand

      These two Senators have an understanding problem. Neither of them were elected by the people of America to be our president. Our President is Joe Biden and he ran on the platform that is outlined in the human infrastructure bill. So Joe Biden is just keeping his promise to the American people. Manchin and Sinema were not elected as president and they should stop acting like they were. They are of the Democratic party and as such should welcome the chance to advance democratic values regardless if they are left of their own personal positions. The President Biden agenda is for the whole country, not for less than 3 percent of the constituents that Manchin and Sinema represent.
     Joe Biden will shoulder the responsibility of his proposals, not Manchin and Sinema. Manchin and Sinema will just be following the will of the American electorate and in that they are not to blame if President Biden's proposals backfire. Now the idea that President Biden's proposals will backfire is small so the cost to Manchin and Sinema will be little if not a benefit if President Biden's proposals become law. The human infrastructure bill is polling at least 70% everywhere in the country including in Manchin's West Virginia and Sinema's Arizona. So to me their obstruction is not about economics but about loyalty to the wealthy and polluters.
     How do we get around Manchin and Sinema? By putting pressure on them at home and everywhere they live and go. The pressure must be relentless and loud. They cannot get a free ride from public disgust of their position without feeling our disgust as an indomitable and relentless force. The cause of their actions must be met with an equally palpable effect of their actions because of their disinterest of a better future for all Americans. As elected officials we can remove them from office as soon as the next time they are up for election but in the meantime we can make their lives uncomfortable with our pressing them at every turn.

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