Monday, October 4, 2021

(#4628) Disinformation and outright lies coming in heavy from republicans to seed doubt

      If you are starting to see statements about shadowy Biden or democratic policies that hurt the working middle poor class then know this, they are attacks for the most part by the republicans in order to sow discontent in our ranks. The republicans are masters of this and will be taking select comments about all things democrats are trying to accomplish and making false statements about them. I have seen several already and they are ludicrous. But as is the case with many who are not well informed as to how to fact check the republican false statements, they are effective in seeding doubt.
     First off verify the statement is actually accredited to whom republicans are attacking. Then fact check the statement for veracity. My go to move is to almost always correctly assume that if a republican is attacking democrats or democratic policies they are a lie. Knowing the republican party like I do is why I assume they are lying. The republican party has no offer of any help for the American working middle poor class so all they have to is attack the help we democrats are trying to provide. As well the republican party is working overtime to divide us so that they can seem to be a reasonable alternative. lol. Now that is funny! All they are in power for is to help the wealthy and themselves. They will never be able to sugar coat that with me anyway.
     Make republicans prove their claims by demanding the facts of their claim. Often they will cite some rumor they heard on one of their propaganda sites as fact and then muscle that into the political discourse through some fear tactic. They are never ashamed of lying and when caught out in their lies they change the subject to the next lie that has been supplied to them. My rule of thumb is to ignore and dismiss republican talking points as irrational because they can only claim their points are true but can never prove it. I won't fall into their game of seeding doubt because they are liars. I know they are liars and for me to accept what they say as truth without them proving it would make me a gullible weakling who has no mind of his own. :)

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