Tuesday, October 19, 2021

(#4643) Life has to be greater than letting republicans steal our democracy!

      What is democracy? Why is it important to our lives? First, democracy is self rule. We the citizens of our group or nation are the ones who decide the makeup of our society through either direct and/or representative decision making. The hallmark of democracy is majority rule. Without majority rule the idea that democracy is the best form of government is deemed illogical. The importance of democracy is that all decisions about how we live is decided by us the citizenry, not by some authoritarian or monarchial figurehead. We the majority of us decide how we should make our society more perfect.
     So when we have a minority party trying to act like a majority one we have a conflict of foundational differences. The trump republicans have given up hope of being a majority and instead are now trying to usurp the power of the majority through illegal and immoral means. Using some of the more archaic rules we have within our political architecture the republican party has a vehicle to do just that. It isn't just our politics that are being manipulated by republicans to nullify our current majority rule, it is the media which is controlled by too few who benefit from the republican agenda.
     As we go about our daily lives we have an expectation that our system of government is solid and will prevail over any attempt, foreign and/or domestic to destabilize it. Yet we would be wrong in that expectation. There is a real effort being forwarded by the trump republicans who are a large minority viewpoint to take our democracy out of our hands and change it to one that is controlled by only a handful of the wealthy and powerful. It is happening before our eyes and if we don't stop to take a look and see it, then it will happen and then we will find out about it after it is too late to stop it.

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