Wednesday, October 27, 2021

(#4651) I am hoping today is the day for the breakthrough on the human infrastructure bill

      Everything has been leading to this week being the week where the Biden infrastructure bills get done. I have a better feel for them getting done now then ever before. That this week will be the week where it gets done is understandable. Yet I am hopeful today is the day when the dam breaks and all sides agree on the framework. So much is going on right now and with this crunch of needed legislation coming to a head the differing sides are as close as they have been so far. So with little room left to negotiate I expect to hear an announcement that the human infrastructure bill is ready to rock and roll.
     Again, it is all about timing and the timing is just right for this to be done. The hard work it has taken to overcome the obstacles of democrats Manchin and Sinema has been frustrating and exasperating but the obstructions have been smoothed out and the ready to agree time is upon us. Today would be the ideal day for it to happen as it would give our president some good crowing to do at the world climate summit and as well get our Congress onto other pressing issues that are immediately coming to a head. Voting rights protections, the debt limit debate, as well as the annual budget. More if you include immigration reform and gun rights so today would be perfect to moving onto those proposals.
     We democrats have it within us to make our nation much more amenable to all of us and now is the time to get going on that. We have wasted precious months in limbo thanks to two recalcitrant democratic senators but it appears we have finally wore them down. That they needed to be worn down to do the correct thing for the American electorate is disappointing but after this session of Congress is over they will have to be reckoned with but until then we have to fight tough to get them to where the rest of us are. It isn't over with those two and moving forward is going to be difficult but in the end we will get there in time to save our democracy and improve on our majorities going forward.

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