Thursday, October 14, 2021

(#4638) The republican party still trying to spin life into a dark ugliness

      Despite the euphoria of President Biden winning office and democrats controlling congress, the republican party is doing all it can to destroy our optimism and our path forward. The republicans, while trying to obstruct our voting rights everywhere and are still forwarding the big lie that the election was stolen have also been united in voting against anything that focuses on helping the working middle poor class. If it isn't something for them or their wealthy donors they have been in lockstep to vote no. 19 of them did vote for the hard infrastructure bill in the senate but 31 of them voted against it, even though it does more for their donors than anything to date coming from our democratic agenda.
     Even our own democratic party has a couple of conservatives in the senate that are unable to define their support for the working middle poor class in a productive way. They at this point might as well be republicans since their outlook is one of fetters and binders. Without the looming legislation that has been proposed by President Biden the working middle poor class will once again be left to scrabble for orts off the table of the wealthy. Even more than economic issues, voting rights protections, immigration reform and gun rights legislation that is so desperately needed is being held hostage by the republican refusal to address them.
     The republican party has decided that Americas are unable to see them for who they are and are willing to destroy our democracy in order to convince us that democrats can't rule. It is working to a degree but the problem republicans have is trying to keep a straight face as they lie to our faces. I expect that it won't work but I have been wrong before and for their gambit of dark days to succeed will take an extraordinary collapse of intelligence on too many of us. After the unbelievable appointment of trump in 2016, I find that anything that is possible for a bad event is not to be underestimated. The republican party has found it's agenda and it isn't pretty for we the American working middle poor class!

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