Sunday, October 10, 2021

(#4634) The Ostrich effect

      Okay, someone told me to say nice things or otherwise be quiet. lol. I remember hearing that phrase several times during each stage of my life and I still have the same response. Forget about it! If I don't call out the bullshit from people in a way that clearly paints a picture than I am wasting my imagination. I enjoy telling someone to go to hell in a way that has some complexity to it. But no, this woman who doesn't know me at all says that if I don't have something nice to say about someone I shouldn't say anything at all. Kind of like someone sticking a knife in my back and me holding my tongue because I don't want to offend them or someone who over hears me.
     I am all for living in a polite society but until we actually do live in a polite society then forget about it! Some folks need to get a life and then defend that life so that they know what the hell I am talking about. It must be nice to sit back and never complain when there is so much to complain about and for me that typifies our current society. A bunch of nobody's who like being quiet. Well without the social justice warriors who stand up and holler back at the cruel and abusive what do you think their life would be like. The savages would quickly devour them all the while they hold their tongues so as not to offend. F that!
    I am not one to turn on someone who is not worthy of my angst. Over decades of learning and knowing it is quite clear to me that some talking heads and politicians will never stop lying, cheating, and stealing as long as they draw breath and if I come along them in my path then the lowdown slithering snakes will feel the brunt of my discourse. I am no one's shrinking violet and if you want to avoid me tearing them a new asshole then don't bring your naivete to me to defend their bullshit. Likewise if you cannot hack the heat then get out of my kitchen. You bring yourself into my sphere to judge me without knowing a damn thing about me it is even worse for you and your ignorance. Rant done!

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