Saturday, October 16, 2021

(#4640) Why won't Manchin and Sinema help our working middle poor class?

      I don't get it. Really, it is outside my ability to rationalize. There has to be a good reason for them to discard the ideas and values of the democratic party. They are democrats and as such should be in somewhat agreement that the policies in the human infrastructure bill that begin to address the needs of the working middle poor class and our planet should become law. Yet they don't for whatever narrowly focused reason. They are putting the many in harms way in order to satisfy the few who don't need the pacification. It really is a mind numbing reality we are faced with here.
     These progressive liberal policies are not just for progressives and liberals. They are for all Americans, even the wealthy if they could ever take their view off the bottom line of their unfair accumulations. The constitution wishes us all a pursuit of happiness which is well and good yet unachievable in the current makeup of our society. The economic direction of our nation is full steam ahead no matter who gets run over and know this that it won't be the wealthy who get run over. Capitalism is a good thing when it is bracketed with democratic values. When it is not then the whole idea of capitalism becomes privileged dog eat underprivileged dog instead of healthy competition.
     What Manchin and Sinema are doing is taking the best chance we democrats have of course correcting our society away from the disaster that is looming in the future. Not only are more of our citizens being marginalized without the human infrastructure bill but our planet is getting to the point of becoming uninhabitable. That we are not all on the same page to protect and return our planet to it's more natural and safe harbor state is perplexing especially since we have the technology to do so. It is the greed and ignorance of the wealthy and their last gasp hold upon the dirty energy and selfishness for all resources and capital that has us in this dilemma that Manchin and Sinema along with the other 48 democratic senators could put an end to.

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