Tuesday, October 12, 2021

(#4636) If no infrastructure deals we must keep fighting for more democrats

      If there is no infrastructure deal on either the hard or human bills then so be it. We have 2 conservative democratic senators who think they are above the rest of the 48 democratic senators. So that means we need to elect more democratic senators in 2022 and then we can eliminate the filibuster and pass all the legislation we want. Gun control, immigration control, minimum wage increase, voting rights protections, tax reform, medicare/medicaid expansion, day care for our children, end dark money in our politics, etcetera. As it is now we are fighting for a few things but cannot get agreement on what is best for our people. Those 2 senators, manchin and sinema have made sure that the will of the voters is not to be allowed!
     So in 2022 we democrats have got to find a way to elect at least 3 or more democratic senators while holding onto all our current seats. Looking at who is up for election in 2022 it is very likely that we can elect at least 3 more democratic senators. We must also make sure that we hold the house and actually add more seats there. Only then can we do what the majority of Americans have been fighting so long and hard to accomplish. Once we have nullified the crass demands of manchin and sinema we will find that there is no real obstacle to correcting our society to favor the working middle poor class instead of just the wealthy. The rest of the world is tired of our arrogance especially since we are not the shining city on the hill representing democracy, given the events of 2016 and 2020.
     Our democracy can be representative of what is good in existence but we have to end the control of the wealthy over it. Our electorate should decide the fate of our nation not a handful of greedy more often than not psychopathic driven individuals who do not hold dear democracy and it's values. If manchin and sinema do not come around and at least hold up their end of the bargain then we must move past them and make them moot to any decision making after the 2022 elections. We can do this and all we have to do is stay focused on the prize. Each of us have to get ourselves in position to vote and then vote together to end the madness of republicans and the selfishness of 2 democratic senators.

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