Sunday, October 31, 2021

(#4655) The republican party and their knee to neck of the working middle poor class!

     If the republican party could control the working middle poor class by keeping us quiet and obedient they would do it right this second! The fact that we are human and expect to be treated as human must gall them to no end. Such is the foundation of how the republican party sees the working middle poor class. We are irrelevant to them in the big picture, which is why they vote against any legislation that would make life better for all Americans instead of just the wealthy Americans. While all the rigmarole over our democratic party trying to provide a human infrastructure law is mostly portrayed as negative by the media, the media are suspiciously silent about the nothing but reprimands republicans are contributing to the effort.
     If the media were honest and had an ounce of objectivity, they would be demanding that the republican party explain why they are so against the working middle poor class. While not letting them off the hook until they actually answer that question! But no. It is as if the republican party owns the media, by the way the media is owned by the wealthy, so that seems to be why the republican party gets a pass on doing nothing for the vast majority of us Americans. So it can only fall to we the people, through the democratic party, to make the republican party and the national media pay for their dismissal of our working middle poor class needs.
     For my part I am a never ending siren call to the universe that the republican party is the enemy of democracy and people who are not wealthy. When the rest of our nation catches on to this fact then maybe we will be able to root out the last of the republican party from our politics and replace them with liberals and moderates within our democratic party. I don't mind that our democratic party has liberal and moderate ends of our spectrum because they both serve to help the working middle poor class within reason to reimagine what life can be like when all Americans have the opportunity to live and succeed without the republican knee on our neck.

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