Monday, November 1, 2021

(#4656) Today the human infrastructure bill goes before committees for votes

     I am hoping to catch some Cspan time of the differing committees do their duty today and turn over a finished product to the full House tomorrow for an up or down vote on the full human infrastructure bill. No doubt an up vote by the way. After that full House vote it will go over to the Senate for it's up or down vote. Which at the moment I am slightly more positive than negative that it will eventually pass. I say slightly more positive than negative because the manchinema has actually been in negotiation with House members on how to craft the bill. We will see if they do their part when it gets to the Senate but I feel like we have finally gotten to the point where both Houses will pass both bills.
     Which order each is passed is still a work in progress but I do believe that the manchinema will not undercut the passage of the human infrastructure bill. As well as the manchinema being in consultations with the House so has been Bernie Sanders. So when all the outstanding players left in crafting this bill are doing their due diligence it makes for a good sign that an agreement will be had. All of this intrigue because the manchinema was recalcitrant on social spending when the need was great and their obstinance made no sense. Be that as it may be the past now is past and the present is where we are at. What doesn't make it into the human infrastructure bill this time will in my judgment get another shot next year.
     So my hope is we get these bills to President Biden for his signature and then laser focus on voting rights protection bills that will give democracy a chance to survive. To me the voting rights protection bills are the single greatest need of our time. Without the right to vote for all eligible citizens the will of our nation will be depressed and ignored. Denying our vote is something I would go to war to prevent and so should every American who honors democracy and human rights. This war against democracy that the republican party is promoting is abominable and should be squashed at every advancement. No republican should hold office when they are trying to stop our democracy from thriving.

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