Sunday, November 14, 2021

(#4669) If you want to keep separation of church and state then vote for Democrats!

      If you are a peace loving atheist, Muslim, Buddhist, Hindi, Islamist then you had better beware. The republican party wants America to become a Christian nation. If you listen at all to the republican messaging this idea of a Christian nation reverberates through all their propaganda. It isn't the Christianity of old either. It is the new found republican Jesus who would scold the working middle poor as irrelevant and lift on high the wealthy and cunning. So how you vote in the next election will go a long ways toward what you want as a democracy loving American or toward the bastardization of Christianity that republicans will do to undermine our democracy.
     Your choice. If you do decide that democracy isn't as important to you as being ruled by usurpers who will lie, cheat, and steal to fool you into giving them power over you then there is little I can do from here to convince you otherwise. I can tell you that for the 66 plus years I have been alive I have found it amazing to control my own life and lead it with the liberty and freedom democracy affords. Which extends well out beyond the constriction of any man made religious dogmatic interpretation. Now if you want to keep your particular religious beliefs in your own life as a guide to life you will find that state sanctioned republican Jesus will hinder that.
     Like what the Taliban is doing and other cruel religious leaders in our world, the idea of having differing religious options is dangerous and could well end with your death. When the state sanctions it's form of religious indoctrination there is no room for any religious alternatives. Especially atheists will feel the brunt of forced religious indoctrination because someone like me who is an atheist that lives to learn and advance my knowledge through science and logic, the alternative is unacceptable, which leaves me vulnerable to an nonconforming grave sentencing. This is the republican Jesus utopia so vote wisely when the voting time comes.

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