Saturday, November 27, 2021

(#4682) I wish I could take a day of from demanding voting rights protections, but I can't!

      One of these days I will have a post about the simple life I live. But that day has not arrived yet. But I can tell what would instigate that day's arrival. The day after Joe Biden signs into law voting rights protections. Until that day I have to be in a mode of screaming from the top of my lungs that our democracy is being undermined and destroyed by republicans who would have none of we the American working middle poor class vote at all! So the manchins and sinemas of the world are going to never get any rest from me until they decide that democracy is a greater value than an arcane and diabolical senate rule.
     It is down to manchin and sinema to make a move away from protecting the senate rule more than they protect democracy itself. Because not one of the 50 republican senators will change their minds and protect democracy. So because republicans are all about denying the legal vote of eligible citizens they won't be punished like they should be instead they will be rewarded with the complete takeover of our government. I never thought I would see the day when the obvious denial of democratic norms would be rewarded here in America. Yes, third world countries maybe, but not in the enlightened states of America.
     It is dawning on me that no matter how much pride I have in our amazing constitution, there are too many out there who long for the days of dictatorships or monarchies. Our populace has not been getting smarter over the decades I have been alive, on the contrary it has been getting dumber. Now myself, an avid learner, who enjoys being advanced in my thinking is now the underdog in the battle for an enlightened society. It seems that there are less of my type of individuals and more of the type that don't care as much for thinking for themselves when they can have someone else do it for them. How else can fake, hoax news be taken as fact? How else can science and logic become a scourge while bold ignorance is heralded as rightful power?

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