Saturday, November 20, 2021

(#4675) When democrats are in charge good things follow!

      You want to know how to feel better about how our American society is actually living within it? Then quit voting for republicans! The only ones who are making life miserable are the republican party. From politicians to judges, everywhere you turn a republican inspired leader is messing with justice and equality. Nowhere is there to be found a republican politician who can be reliably known as a champion of the people. Even Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger voted against the human infrastructure bill that will make the lives of the working middle poor class so much better after nearly half a century of neglect. Like I said, nowhere can be found a republican who is beloved by the working middle poor class.
     Now let me tell you that the working middle poor class is the largest group of any socioeconomic persuasion. We are by far a huge majority of the voting electorate and the greatest single driving force for change and modernization. Our ability to come together to force the agenda has yet to be realized but with Joe Biden and democrats leading the way I see a pathway for it to become reality. Both, the hard infrastructure law/human infrastructure bill, along with federal voting rights protections legislation would do what is needed for the many of us to realize that as a force we are to be reckoned with. No longer will the wealthy be using us as pawns in their global game of shrinking wages, smaller government, and less democracy.
     The time is now for the next evolutionary step in the burgeoning new America where the will of the people is only matched by our ability to reimagine the values of our precious democracy. With the democrats in control of all branches of government, the executive, the legislative, and the courts, the possibilities are expanded beyond for a true democracy where politicians answer to the will of the people and not the other way around such as with the republican party who only want what the wealthy want and not the working middle poor class. This next election in 2022 will go along way toward cementing our democratic ranks as majorities in Congress and give us more opportunities to fill the federal courts.

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