Tuesday, November 23, 2021

(#4678) The republican party doesn't want to solve problems

      The shiftless republican party is all about ignoring problems, certainly not about solving them. So their supporters are the same, lazy minded and insufficient as human beings. What doesn't affect them personally is of no concern to them. Even when it does concern them they would still rather deny the concern than address it. Most likely because they are more sheep than human beings and are easily led to deny their own betterment in order to placate their mind controllers. I suppose the adage about ignorance being bliss is really a thing with them because that is how cowards respond.
     I share the same species with many of them yet I am not one of them. I would never allow myself to be a tool of a group of reprobates like republican leaders. I find that my principles for living are far above their understanding and because of that support the only other major political party that reflects my interests. The Democratic party is not by any means perfect but it is far and away closer to my curiosity and compassion than republicans could ever hope for. The Democratic party actually debates within it's own ranks the degree by which government should help all people instead of like what republicans do to kneejerk deny help to the most vulnerable within our society.
     If a problem exists that is not directly related to the wealthy and powerful then it gets nothing except ignoring. Because with republicans, they strategize that ignoring problems is easier than solving them. So it begs the question, how can republicans keep power when they are not serving the American electorate on whole? Well they lie, cheat, and steal within our politics and media to make themselves appear to be somewhat normal. When the truth of it is that they are the most abnormally diseased political party of our age. Nothing they do is logical nor worthy of human design. They are the scourge to all societies who would ever want to see the best of what humanity has to offer.

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